Privacy & Security

We take issues of security and privacy seriously. If you have any concerns regarding the security of our services or the privacy of your data when interacting with our services, please don't hesitate to contact For urgent security reports, please contact

Privacy policies on our shared service

On our shared service we comply with GDPR requirements for handling personally identifiable information. We do not identify or de-anonymise individual users and all data collection we do is for the sole purpose of enabling control of abuse or misuse of our services.

Our standard retention period for any logging data is two weeks, after which it is no longer available to us.

Privacy policies on our dedicated service

All our services comply with GDPR or equivalent standards. However, on dedicated services we further adjust logging and processing of the information to the requirements/needs of clients. This can come at the expense of ability to deter abuse or ensure smooth operation of the services but may be a legal requirement in your jurisdiction. We are happy to work with you to ensure the policies and management of your servers align with your needs.

Last updated