For multi-node pools, such as our shared service, we leverage GeoDNS to route requests to a server that is near the user. This helps reduce latency greatly. You can observe the region you are routed to by visiting your endpoint on https://<endpoint> .
There are certain conditions under which we override GeoDNS and may serve you a node further away:
If the closest region is overwhelmed with requests we shed load to other regions
If the closest region is down, we move the load to other regions
We apply very short DNS TTLs (30 seconds) so you should relatively quickly be moved to another region and back again once load/up status changes.
If your users or you are using your RPC Pool endpoint via a proxy that can have an impact on the effectivness of GeoDNS and may cause inbalanced routing. Please read more about Proxying here.
If you find that you are not getting routed to a region close to you please verify:
If you're using a VPN that would alter the region that your DNS requests comes from
If you are using a DNS service that removes/masks EDNS
If you have a caching DNS server that doesn't respect DNS TTL
Last updated
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