
RPC Pool is our main multichain RPC service. It provides both shared and dedicated pools for dApps both large and small.

Depending on whether you have opted for a shared service or have dedicated nodes, the functionality of your endpoint may vary to some extent. However, regardless, our endpoints provide:

  • GeoDNS in case of our shared pool or for any dedicated cluster with > 1 node

  • Fail-over to a geodistributed backup cluster

  • Archive access going back to genesis

  • Full RPC compatibility for supported chains

  • Full websocket compatibility for supported chain

We also have the following features specific to Solana:

  • Dragon's Mouth gRPC subscriptions powered by Geyser

  • Whirligig websockets powered by Geyser

  • Digital Assets API methods for convenient indexed NFT queries and compressed NFTs

For dedicated nodes on Solana we can also provide:

  • Either one of our standard or custom Geyser plugins with a config of your choosing

  • Custom Solana validator configs to fit your workload

  • Customised ratelimiting to both protect your servers but also ensure that your workloads can run smoothly

  • Specialised archive endpoints for fast archival indexing

Last updated